Blog Entries
Blog Entries
by Shari 29-08-2015
It's occurred to me that women are on The No Apology Tour. You cannot shame women who feel no guilt. What I am trying to make sense of is-is it a time of empowerment for women or have we actually forfeited a piece of ourselves in the process of tearing down the remnants of a double standard and taking...
It's occurred to me that women are on The No Apology Tour. You cannot shame women who feel...
It's occurred to me that women are on The...
Blog Entries
Blog Entries
by Shari 19-08-2015
It occurred to me that in this Age of Oversharing we have lost The Art of Conversation. I grew up with a mother masquerading as Emily Post, the authority on social etiquette. We were vehemently instructed never to ask anyone these three questions: What they did for a living, how much money they earned,...
It occurred to me that in this Age of Oversharing we have lost The Art of Conversation. I grew...
It occurred to me that in this Age of Oversharing...
Blog Entries
Blog Entries
by Shari 12-08-2015
Lately, the concepts of "Having a Plan B" and "Not Always Getting What You Want" are vying for center stage in my brain. I have come to realize that the only way to survive what life throws at you is to subscribe to both theories. We delude ourselves into believing we have control over our lives. We...
Lately, the concepts of "Having a Plan B" and "Not Always Getting What You Want" are vying...
Lately, the concepts of "Having a Plan B"...
Blog Entries
Blog Entries
by Shari 06-08-2015
I've raised my two sons. They are out in the world. Both are recognized and respected in their chosen fields and living their dreams. I cannot undo any of their childhood experiences or my parental decisions. Yet, I find myself revisitng or second guessing and I wonder if I'm alone in this. Here is what...
I've raised my two sons. They are out in the world. Both are recognized and respected in their...
I've raised my two sons. They are out in...
Blog Entries
Blog Entries
by Shari 01-08-2015
You know how you can love someone beyond words but they can annoy you within an inch of their lives?   Let me backtrack a bit...I have to say that when I first fell in love with my future husband, I worshipped him. I was totally head over heels in love. He was my everything. I was a college freshman...
You know how you can love someone beyond words but they can annoy you within an inch of their...
You know how you can love someone beyond...